I was a little scared reading the reviews for this but I went ahead and dove in. Its very sturdy. The bottoms of the drawers slide around just a bit but with a little wood glue, it wasnt a serious issue. This dresser is super cute. Replaced the pull knobs with something a little more modern and its perfect. Was worried about it being too short so I bought some legs for it but I ended up not needing them because the height is fine.
Solid dresser.
I was a little scared reading the reviews for this but I went ahead and dove in. Its very sturdy. The bottoms of the drawers slide around just a bit but with a little wood glue, it wasnt a serious issue. This dresser is super cute. Replaced the pull knobs with something a little more modern and its perfect. Was worried about it being too short so I bought some legs for it but I ended up not needing them because the height is fine.