This package/table was delivered to my front door, which is helpful because it is heavy. It was well packaged and arrived without any damage. The instructions for assembling the table were clear, and the hardware fit perfectly into the holes. I had it completely assembled within 20 minutes. I will stain or paint it eventually, but, in the meantime, it looks good enough that I can use it as is behind my sofa. This table is solid wood, sturdy, and very nice looking! I highly recommend it!
Excellent Quality At An Exceptional Price!
This package/table was delivered to my front door, which is helpful because it is heavy. It was well packaged and arrived without any damage. The instructions for assembling the table were clear, and the hardware fit perfectly into the holes. I had it completely assembled within 20 minutes. I will stain or paint it eventually, but, in the meantime, it looks good enough that I can use it as is behind my sofa. This table is solid wood, sturdy, and very nice looking! I highly recommend it!