This table once assembled looks/feels very nice. The instructions for assembly are very basic. Some parts are a very tight fit. One mistake I did make during assembly was turning the table legs the improper way so that by the time I went to put the tabletop on, the holes did not line up. It took me a few minutes to figure out what happened as the instructions didnt specify which side the legs needed to face. Overall though I think I am happy with the table once assembled though
Metal Construction, Quality Feel
This table once assembled looks/feels very nice. The instructions for assembly are very basic. Some parts are a very tight fit. One mistake I did make during assembly was turning the table legs the improper way so that by the time I went to put the tabletop on, the holes did not line up. It took me a few minutes to figure out what happened as the instructions didnt specify which side the legs needed to face. Overall though I think I am happy with the table once assembled though