Very sturdy but not so bulky that it takes up the whole room. Love the color options! So tired of just plain . I added some particao board that I painted to protect the matress from the child underneath and to give it a flatter surface to lay on. My only complaint which, I mean its kinda obvious, theres not alot of head space in the 2 below. My kid wacks her head on those levels a lot so... Make sure theyre tiny and careful!
Best bunk weve ever had
Very sturdy but not so bulky that it takes up the whole room. Love the color options! So tired of just plain . I added some particao board that I painted to protect the matress from the child underneath and to give it a flatter surface to lay on. My only complaint which, I mean its kinda obvious, theres not alot of head space in the 2 below. My kid wacks her head on those levels a lot so... Make sure theyre tiny and careful!