We bought the full size frame and my husband said it took a while to put together due to the many parts, but not difficult. We added a 5 metal box spring to increase height because it would have been too low for our liking otherwise. It does minimize how much headboard shows, but we were okay with it. The drawers are plastic, not wood, but sturdy enough. You need to lift and unhook to open and close the drawers. For now, my MIL has been using it and she said its been fine, no issues.
Sturdy bed frame with plastic drawers
We bought the full size frame and my husband said it took a while to put together due to the many parts, but not difficult. We added a 5 metal box spring to increase height because it would have been too low for our liking otherwise. It does minimize how much headboard shows, but we were okay with it. The drawers are plastic, not wood, but sturdy enough. You need to lift and unhook to open and close the drawers. For now, my MIL has been using it and she said its been fine, no issues.