I almost bought a chair that was nearly twice the price and much lower quality. Love this chair...easy to put together...but the holes really dont line up well. It all comes together with a little determination and elbow grease. Lol! It truly is a beautiful chair! Came MUCH quicker than expected! I was planning on painting next week before they arrived...but I am thrilled they are here! Going to put together the other one now! So happy with this purchase! By the way, they are not really that low...they appear that way, but my love seat sits up relatively high, and the seat of this chair is only an inch or so lower. It would not be awkward if someone was sitting in the chair talking to someone in the loveseat...you wouldnt feel like you were at the kids table! Haha! If you are thinking about this chair, definitely get it! Now to keep my kittys claws off of it! Lol!
I almost bought a chair that was nearly twice the price and much lower quality. Love this chair...easy to put together...but the holes really dont line up well. It all comes together with a little determination and elbow grease. Lol! It truly is a beautiful chair! Came MUCH quicker than expected! I was planning on painting next week before they arrived...but I am thrilled they are here! Going to put together the other one now! So happy with this purchase! By the way, they are not really that low...they appear that way, but my love seat sits up relatively high, and the seat of this chair is only an inch or so lower. It would not be awkward if someone was sitting in the chair talking to someone in the loveseat...you wouldnt feel like you were at the kids table! Haha! If you are thinking about this chair, definitely get it! Now to keep my kittys claws off of it! Lol!