The bed took a few hours to assemble, not too difficult but time consuming. Its reasonably sturdy for the price and I like the way that the headboard looks. BUT its too big for my Casper mattress. In measuring it there is space for a mattress to be 82 long, I turned and pushed my mattress and tried all kids of ways and it did not work. My mattress is about 1 1/2 smaller than a standard king bed, however the frame is 4 too long and it really is way too long as my mattress fits under the headboard and could be slid up more so that its not sliding around. I am very disappointed. I emailed the seller with no offer of a solution.
To large for my Casper mattress
The bed took a few hours to assemble, not too difficult but time consuming. Its reasonably sturdy for the price and I like the way that the headboard looks. BUT its too big for my Casper mattress. In measuring it there is space for a mattress to be 82 long, I turned and pushed my mattress and tried all kids of ways and it did not work. My mattress is about 1 1/2 smaller than a standard king bed, however the frame is 4 too long and it really is way too long as my mattress fits under the headboard and could be slid up more so that its not sliding around. I am very disappointed. I emailed the seller with no offer of a solution. MEASURE YOUR MATTRESS BEFORE ORDERING THIS BED FRAME!