Easy to assemble. It took us not more than two hours.
I love this bed so far. I cant attest to the easiness/difficulty of assembling it because my brother put it together for me. But I can say it didnt take him a long time. Its only been 1 night since Ive had it but its very sturdy. Doesnt look or feel cheaply made at all. I used a 12in mattress and it covers up the open space completely.
Easy to assemble. It took us not more than two hours.
I love this bed so far. I cant attest to the easiness/difficulty of assembling it because my brother put it together for me. But I can say it didnt take him a long time. Its only been 1 night since Ive had it but its very sturdy. Doesnt look or feel cheaply made at all. I used a 12in mattress and it covers up the open space completely.