Before I purchased this product I wanted to make sure I get everything with no issues. They immediately responded to my email and assured me that they make sure their products are quality checked before shipment. Well, lets just say I was thoroughly impressed. The quality of this set and easy setup instructions. I installed it all by myself in only an hour. It was flawless, every bolt, nut was perfect. Its a nice headboard and footboard set with wood slates. So you dont need a boxspring but can use it. Thank you!
Lovely bed, directions could be better
Before I purchased this product I wanted to make sure I get everything with no issues. They immediately responded to my email and assured me that they make sure their products are quality checked before shipment. Well, lets just say I was thoroughly impressed. The quality of this set and easy setup instructions. I installed it all by myself in only an hour. It was flawless, every bolt, nut was perfect. Its a nice headboard and footboard set with wood slates. So you dont need a boxspring but can use it. Thank you!