Very nice bed. My kiddos love it. However, the assembly was terrible. The step by step direction were detailed but I had to losses the screws from the previous step to make the next set of screws fit. It was a pain. Perhaps, if I would have had another person helping me it would have been easier, but regardless the loosening of the previous screws to make the next metal bar fit into place was really irritating. It took much longer to put together than necessary because of this. So plan to spend 3 hours or so to put it together.
Very hard to put together.
Very nice bed. My kiddos love it. However, the assembly was terrible. The step by step direction were detailed but I had to losses the screws from the previous step to make the next set of screws fit. It was a pain. Perhaps, if I would have had another person helping me it would have been easier, but regardless the loosening of the previous screws to make the next metal bar fit into place was really irritating. It took much longer to put together than necessary because of this. So plan to spend 3 hours or so to put it together.