This is a very nice bed. My daughter loves it. It was a bit of work to put together but not too bad. People that are seeing cracks are probably over tightening the screws. They will let you tighten them further than they need to be. If the head is sinking into the wood then its time stop. Also 2 extra slats on the ends (there is a nice channel already cut to put them in) will stop the mattress corners from dipping down. After a few months the bed is sturdy and no cracks seen anywhere.
Dont over tighten the screws.
This is a very nice bed. My daughter loves it. It was a bit of work to put together but not too bad. People that are seeing cracks are probably over tightening the screws. They will let you tighten them further than they need to be. If the head is sinking into the wood then its time stop. Also 2 extra slats on the ends (there is a nice channel already cut to put them in) will stop the mattress corners from dipping down. After a few months the bed is sturdy and no cracks seen anywhere.