I just received the adjustable base a few days ago. It went together easily, but you will need two people to turn it over as it was almost 100 pounds. But I was prepared. A little glitch with the assemblers putting the control cords together, but I took everything apart and reconnected it and the unit worked fine. So far its wonderful! I was a little disappointed that the website said there was a five year warranty, but when you get the bed you find out its only a one year warranty on the motor, and the other four years is a prorated warranty on the rest of the bedframe?! Im knocking 1 Star off for that. Well see how that goes. The motor is very quiet. I got the unit with the wired remote so that I wouldnt lose the remote control, and I just pull the drawer open on my nightstand and hang it on the side and its convenient no matter what Im doing. Now this is not a wall hugger, so if you want access to your nightstand at night youre gonna have to make sure its pulled out from the wall a couple of feet. But I knew that when I ordered it so its no problem.
Very smooth and quiet
I just received the adjustable base a few days ago. It went together easily, but you will need two people to turn it over as it was almost 100 pounds. But I was prepared. A little glitch with the assemblers putting the control cords together, but I took everything apart and reconnected it and the unit worked fine. So far its wonderful! I was a little disappointed that the website said there was a five year warranty, but when you get the bed you find out its only a one year warranty on the motor, and the other four years is a prorated warranty on the rest of the bedframe?! Im knocking 1 Star off for that. Well see how that goes. The motor is very quiet. I got the unit with the wired remote so that I wouldnt lose the remote control, and I just pull the drawer open on my nightstand and hang it on the side and its convenient no matter what Im doing. Now this is not a wall hugger, so if you want access to your nightstand at night youre gonna have to make sure its pulled out from the wall a couple of feet. But I knew that when I ordered it so its no problem.