It is a very cute seat, really fits with my decor. I love it but I dont know if I did something wrong while assembling it, maybe its slanted or its just too smooth thats why I keep sliding off my seat for some reason. I like sitting criss cross applesauce sometimes but after I while ill feel like Im sliding off my seat, idk if its because its a bit slanted when I assembled it or its really slanted itself or its just smooth. Dont get me wrong it is very cute I just dont know the reason why I slide off but I recommend.
Cute but uncomfy sometimes
It is a very cute seat, really fits with my decor. I love it but I dont know if I did something wrong while assembling it, maybe its slanted or its just too smooth thats why I keep sliding off my seat for some reason. I like sitting criss cross applesauce sometimes but after I while ill feel like Im sliding off my seat, idk if its because its a bit slanted when I assembled it or its really slanted itself or its just smooth. Dont get me wrong it is very cute I just dont know the reason why I slide off but I recommend.