This was easy enough to assemble and took my husband and I about 30 minutes to unbox and put together. We had no issues with scratches on any of the pieces. We have slept on it for 3 nights and it seems very sturdy. My biggest complaint is that the mounting holes for a headboard make no sense. You have to buy the special brackets to use a headboard. This is very frustrating to me and why I didnt give it a higher rating.
Sturdy, but not very headboard compatible
This was easy enough to assemble and took my husband and I about 30 minutes to unbox and put together. We had no issues with scratches on any of the pieces. We have slept on it for 3 nights and it seems very sturdy. My biggest complaint is that the mounting holes for a headboard make no sense. You have to buy the special brackets to use a headboard. This is very frustrating to me and why I didnt give it a higher rating.