A couple of the parts were slightly scratched and dented when it arrived. It was easy to assemble, but it didnt quite fit together perfectly; I wasnt able to get two of the screws through their holes. Other than that, its very nice. Theres lots of space underneath. It doesnt creak or bow inward at all. It looks nice. And it holds my mattress in place. Overall, Im happy with this purchase.
It was easy to assemble
A couple of the parts were slightly scratched and dented when it arrived. It was easy to assemble, but it didnt quite fit together perfectly; I wasnt able to get two of the screws through their holes. Other than that, its very nice. Theres lots of space underneath. It doesnt creak or bow inward at all. It looks nice. And it holds my mattress in place. Overall, Im happy with this purchase.