This frame is very sturdy. I weigh 280 lbs and it seems most or wood frames develop a nice crea noise after a week or two of sleeping on them. I figured I would need to just put the mattress right on the floor in order keep the downstairs occupants from knowing when my wife kisses me one time to many. But so far thats not the case! Its been over a month and this frame is holding up very well! We are very pleased with our purchase!
No crea at all
This frame is very sturdy. I weigh 280 lbs and it seems most or wood frames develop a nice crea noise after a week or two of sleeping on them. I figured I would need to just put the mattress right on the floor in order keep the downstairs occupants from knowing when my wife kisses me one time to many. But so far thats not the case! Its been over a month and this frame is holding up very well! We are very pleased with our purchase!