Tall 4/Door Storage Cabinet with Adjustable Shelves
I ordered this Cabinet, and it was easy to assemble. All the boards were labeled; the screws and hinges were all in separate packages in a box and the instructions were perfect. It was so nice I ordered a second cabinet right after it was assembled. However, the second cabinet came in a damaged box with tape to hold it together. When I removed the contents, some boards had scratches, the top board had a corner that was chipped, and the screws were all loose inside the box. I was upset and thought that was strange. But still, Im thinking of ordering another one because it is a beautiful piece of furniture.
Tall 4/Door Storage Cabinet with Adjustable Shelves
I ordered this Cabinet, and it was easy to assemble. All the boards were labeled; the screws and hinges were all in separate packages in a box and the instructions were perfect. It was so nice I ordered a second cabinet right after it was assembled. However, the second cabinet came in a damaged box with tape to hold it together. When I removed the contents, some boards had scratches, the top board had a corner that was chipped, and the screws were all loose inside the box. I was upset and thought that was strange. But still, Im thinking of ordering another one because it is a beautiful piece of furniture.