This was very easy to put together, and well designed. No screws crossing paths, or holds being cut narrow. As long as you pay attention one person can assemble this in about 20 minutes. Just pay attention to the holes on the bottom boards, since they need to be in a specific place to hold the bottom shelf, and you can assemble them upside down and backwards if not careful.
Easily holds my printer, and I used my little plastic cabinets to hide my router and modem (all all of those ugly cords!) For a very small computer, or secondary storage like I chose, this option rocks!
Im quite happy!
This was very easy to put together, and well designed. No screws crossing paths, or holds being cut narrow. As long as you pay attention one person can assemble this in about 20 minutes. Just pay attention to the holes on the bottom boards, since they need to be in a specific place to hold the bottom shelf, and you can assemble them upside down and backwards if not careful. Easily holds my printer, and I used my little plastic cabinets to hide my router and modem (all all of those ugly cords!) For a very small computer, or secondary storage like I chose, this option rocks!