I didnt have to buy any parts, I was easily able to assemble it and it has been the best desk for the one year I have used it. Its simple and easy, Its enough for anyone who doesnt need a huge workspace. It is still in good condition after the many heavy objects (e.g. monitors, computers, laptops, and tablets) piling onto it. It was perfect for storing my art supplies and makeup. But now I need more workspace and storage space. The only criticism I have is that it was particularly wobbly when a lot of stress was on it, which is understandable.
It works, used for over a year.
I didnt have to buy any parts, I was easily able to assemble it and it has been the best desk for the one year I have used it. Its simple and easy, Its enough for anyone who doesnt need a huge workspace. It is still in good condition after the many heavy objects (e.g. monitors, computers, laptops, and tablets) piling onto it. It was perfect for storing my art supplies and makeup. But now I need more workspace and storage space. The only criticism I have is that it was particularly wobbly when a lot of stress was on it, which is understandable.