It arrived in a tatty box, so I was expecting the worse, but was happy to see that it didnt look used. Its heavier than I thought it would be, but it does have a strap, so I can carry it over my shoulder, and still use my 2 walking sticks. It is surprisingly comfortable and sturdy and didnt budge, when I had to struggle to get up off it. I did however, find a short screw type bolt, in the bottom of the box, but cant see where it has come from. It was easy to open and close, so it wasnt a problem, to put in the bag, that came with it.
It is good quality and worth buying.
Worth buying
It arrived in a tatty box, so I was expecting the worse, but was happy to see that it didnt look used. Its heavier than I thought it would be, but it does have a strap, so I can carry it over my shoulder, and still use my 2 walking sticks. It is surprisingly comfortable and sturdy and didnt budge, when I had to struggle to get up off it. I did however, find a short screw type bolt, in the bottom of the box, but cant see where it has come from. It was easy to open and close, so it wasnt a problem, to put in the bag, that came with it. It is good quality and worth buying.