This frame rules! I shopped around for quite a while, and right before my final purchase i found this one. This is a super high Quality design and build. Most importantly, the assembly was insanely simple. Not a single screw, bolt, nut or washer to fumble with. Just a rubber mallet to nudge all of the clearly marked angled joints into position and let Gravity do the rest. There were 5 total pieces to bring together very simply with the cross beams neatly set in straps making it easy to place them in perfect spacing. If You are in the market for a frame, do Yourself a favor and spend the few extra dollars to experience the high Quality version of how things should be in an ideal world.
Excellent Quality
This frame rules! I shopped around for quite a while, and right before my final purchase i found this one. This is a super high Quality design and build. Most importantly, the assembly was insanely simple. Not a single screw, bolt, nut or washer to fumble with. Just a rubber mallet to nudge all of the clearly marked angled joints into position and let Gravity do the rest. There were 5 total pieces to bring together very simply with the cross beams neatly set in straps making it easy to place them in perfect spacing. If You are in the market for a frame, do Yourself a favor and spend the few extra dollars to experience the high Quality version of how things should be in an ideal world.