The bed is quite sturdy. The recommended max weight is 150lb but im able to get on there with my daughter and im 160lbs. The slide is sturdy as well and I have no worries with her going up amd down. I purchased a 10 twin mattress which is too high and defeats the purpose of the side rails and also adds to the drop on the slide which she says hurts so look into something smaller. The underside stores her toys and helps out when placing a bed in a smaller room. We also store her books under the stairs. The bed has two mounting slots for the slide so you can choose either side and the empty side can be used for sitting which my daughter likes to dangle her feet over the emtpy side instead of over the rail. I love the thickness of the stairs since my daughter is 5 I have no worries with her climbing down late at night to use the restroom which was a major concern with the other beds that have ladders instead. Assembly took about an hour give or take and the instructions were easy to follow just be sure to read and look at the images closely. Overall, I love this bed and my daughter loves it more.
Love, Love, Love
The bed is quite sturdy. The recommended max weight is 150lb but im able to get on there with my daughter and im 160lbs. The slide is sturdy as well and I have no worries with her going up amd down. I purchased a 10 twin mattress which is too high and defeats the purpose of the side rails and also adds to the drop on the slide which she says hurts so look into something smaller. The underside stores her toys and helps out when placing a bed in a smaller room. We also store her books under the stairs. The bed has two mounting slots for the slide so you can choose either side and the empty side can be used for sitting which my daughter likes to dangle her feet over the emtpy side instead of over the rail. I love the thickness of the stairs since my daughter is 5 I have no worries with her climbing down late at night to use the restroom which was a major concern with the other beds that have ladders instead. Assembly took about an hour give or take and the instructions were easy to follow just be sure to read and look at the images closely. Overall, I love this bed and my daughter loves it more.