its very sturdy and a nice bed, but all of my parts were a bit off. each hole was in the wrong spot, i received a few broken assembly pieces, and the allens key i received stripped every screw i put into the bed frame. unfortunately when i have to take it apart, the frame will not be coming with me as i cant get the screws back out now. some of the holes werent pre/drilled deep enough, which resulted in me having to hammer them in. it was very hard to put together, but now that it is assembled is holding up to its expectations.
hard to assemble, but sturdy
its very sturdy and a nice bed, but all of my parts were a bit off. each hole was in the wrong spot, i received a few broken assembly pieces, and the allens key i received stripped every screw i put into the bed frame. unfortunately when i have to take it apart, the frame will not be coming with me as i cant get the screws back out now. some of the holes werent pre/drilled deep enough, which resulted in me having to hammer them in. it was very hard to put together, but now that it is assembled is holding up to its expectations.