When we first got this in the mail, the box was HEAVY so I knew this was going to be a good quality product. The box came damaged and some pieces had some minor nicks in them, but nothing that deterred the overall quality.
This piece is incredibly sturdy and aming quality. It did take about 1.5/2 hours to put together, but was easy assembly, it mostly just had a lot of parts/pieces that needed assembly. I had no issues with holes mismatching or anything.
Overall a great product and I highly recommend as far as buying more furniture from !
Great Quality Piece!
When we first got this in the mail, the box was HEAVY so I knew this was going to be a good quality product. The box came damaged and some pieces had some minor nicks in them, but nothing that deterred the overall quality. This piece is incredibly sturdy and aming quality. It did take about 1.5/2 hours to put together, but was easy assembly, it mostly just had a lot of parts/pieces that needed assembly. I had no issues with holes mismatching or anything. Overall a great product and I highly recommend as far as buying more furniture from !