Arrived today and as expected, all parts are inside the seat portion. Unfortunately, it had no legs. To be fair, I will update my review when the seller makes this right. Ive messaged them through so well see how long this process takes.
Update. Manufacturer promptly replied and sent out legs and hardware. Pretty simple to assemble with provided tools. Velvet fabric is nice but not very comfortable cushion seat. As you can clearly see, the tufts on the back cushion arent clearly defined either as they seem to be in the product description photos. I do like the metal trim and legs. A bit pricey for what I got. Not meant for daily sitting (my opinion) but nice accent chair for my living space.
Arrived without legs. Update
Arrived today and as expected, all parts are inside the seat portion. Unfortunately, it had no legs. To be fair, I will update my review when the seller makes this right. Ive messaged them through so well see how long this process takes. Update. Manufacturer promptly replied and sent out legs and hardware. Pretty simple to assemble with provided tools. Velvet fabric is nice but not very comfortable cushion seat. As you can clearly see, the tufts on the back cushion arent clearly defined either as they seem to be in the product description photos. I do like the metal trim and legs. A bit pricey for what I got. Not meant for daily sitting (my opinion) but nice accent chair for my living space.