We bought this bed for our daughters first apartment and it is probably just right for the first few years. Its attractive and sturdy, but its a little lightweight and slid around a little too much. We solved that issue by placing it on top of a rug. Assembly was easy enough, although if you assemble furniture frequently enough you will know to assemble the sides in a different order than suggested, just to make it easier to maneuver the frame. Also, be careful to put the slats on facing up to hold the mattress correctly. Otherwise, this is a great bed—great deal and we are very happy with it. 100% satisfaction
Great option for first apartment
We bought this bed for our daughters first apartment and it is probably just right for the first few years. Its attractive and sturdy, but its a little lightweight and slid around a little too much. We solved that issue by placing it on top of a rug. Assembly was easy enough, although if you assemble furniture frequently enough you will know to assemble the sides in a different order than suggested, just to make it easier to maneuver the frame. Also, be careful to put the slats on facing up to hold the mattress correctly. Otherwise, this is a great bed—great deal and we are very happy with it. 100% satisfaction