my friends love it too! I bought this chair so my 65 lb pit bull can snuggle up while I work from home. She loves the chair. She gave it 5 stars, but she didnt put it together! There was one screw I couldnt get in because the hole didnt line up properly. However it still feels very stable, and Ive had it for months now without any Zoom chair disasters. If you need room on the chair for your needy COVID fur baby, this is a great option!
Perfect for human plus dog
my friends love it too! I bought this chair so my 65 lb pit bull can snuggle up while I work from home. She loves the chair. She gave it 5 stars, but she didnt put it together! There was one screw I couldnt get in because the hole didnt line up properly. However it still feels very stable, and Ive had it for months now without any Zoom chair disasters. If you need room on the chair for your needy COVID fur baby, this is a great option!