While the build of the product is strong and sturdy, the assembly has been an absolute nightmare. The hardware wasnt labled and we used the wrong pieces only to find out way too late in the game. We had to back track and disassemble several different times because the instructions were not clear on which direction pieces needed to go. The hossle of everything also meant that the damaged pieces we had were not worth the effort of taking apart yet again only to have to reassemble again.
Great quality, poor instructions for assembly
While the build of the product is strong and sturdy, the assembly has been an absolute nightmare. The hardware wasnt labled and we used the wrong pieces only to find out way too late in the game. We had to back track and disassemble several different times because the instructions were not clear on which direction pieces needed to go. The hossle of everything also meant that the damaged pieces we had were not worth the effort of taking apart yet again only to have to reassemble again.