We ordered the red. However, when we opened the box, the red was not what I would call a red or even a true red, but was more of an orangey/red, maybe even what people call a brick red. We could not use this orange hue as it clashed terribly with other items in our bedroom and returned them. But after watching the video, it appeared as if installation would be extremely easy. The appeared to be sturdy yet lightweight. We had no trouble returning the panel; the seller was easy to work with. Even though we returned the , we would recommend this .
We ordered the red. However, when we opened the box, the red was not what I would call a red or even a true red, but was more of an orangey/red, maybe even what people call a brick red. We could not use this orange hue as it clashed terribly with other items in our bedroom and returned them. But after watching the video, it appeared as if installation would be extremely easy. The appeared to be sturdy yet lightweight. We had no trouble returning the panel; the seller was easy to work with. Even though we returned the , we would recommend this .