Not sturdy. Many design flaws. Annoyingly tricky to assemble
I got the charcoal color, it looks really good. But the frame it not sturdy. Everything feels fragile. There are some very obvious design flaws like when you screw the wheels, theres no hole on the other side to screw into. The screws just act as a minor deterrent to stop the wheels from popping out. The center iron slat of the frame also doesnt screw well. It pops out when you put some pressure on the bed. Overall, good looking frame but really bad build quality
Not sturdy. Many design flaws. Annoyingly tricky to assemble
I got the charcoal color, it looks really good. But the frame it not sturdy. Everything feels fragile. There are some very obvious design flaws like when you screw the wheels, theres no hole on the other side to screw into. The screws just act as a minor deterrent to stop the wheels from popping out. The center iron slat of the frame also doesnt screw well. It pops out when you put some pressure on the bed. Overall, good looking frame but really bad build quality