Easy to assemble, looks good though a little squeaky
The assembly was pretty easy. All the components were marked nicely. It took me around 90 mins to assemble.
Overall it looks pretty good and seems to be pretty sturdy.
But as other reviewers have pointed out, it is a bit squeaky. The weight rating is 200lbs and I want to see how it holds up with with my teenager going up and down and how stable he feels.
I am thinking of putting some straps and secure it to the wall.
Easy to assemble, looks good though a little squeaky
The assembly was pretty easy. All the components were marked nicely. It took me around 90 mins to assemble. Overall it looks pretty good and seems to be pretty sturdy. But as other reviewers have pointed out, it is a bit squeaky. The weight rating is 200lbs and I want to see how it holds up with with my teenager going up and down and how stable he feels. I am thinking of putting some straps and secure it to the wall.