Both parts were shipped to me on the same day, assembly was pretty easy. Some of the legs are a little wonky, some tighter than others. One in particular was off center unless it was super loose, I opted to keep it somewhat snug, and now Im dealing with loose screws that have popped out. Now Im leaving the leg loose hoping it wont happen again, but I foresee having to purchase brand new screws to drill into the frame. But for the price Im willing to jimmy-rig the couch a little bit. Its comfy and firm, a little short for myself (59) and its a little low to the ground.
Nicely priced but still flawed
Both parts were shipped to me on the same day, assembly was pretty easy. Some of the legs are a little wonky, some tighter than others. One in particular was off center unless it was super loose, I opted to keep it somewhat snug, and now Im dealing with loose screws that have popped out. Now Im leaving the leg loose hoping it wont happen again, but I foresee having to purchase brand new screws to drill into the frame. But for the price Im willing to jimmy-rig the couch a little bit. Its comfy and firm, a little short for myself (59) and its a little low to the ground.