Sellers are very helpful and friendly if you have a problem with the item.
I loved the design of the couch; it was easy to assemble. The only problem I had was with the seat cushions. They did not inflate to the extent that they matched the picture in the sales presentation with . I contacted the sellers; they eventually sent me 2 replacement cushions. They were extremely courteous and helpful throughout the transaction. I would happily do business with them again.
Sellers are very helpful and friendly if you have a problem with the item.
I loved the design of the couch; it was easy to assemble. The only problem I had was with the seat cushions. They did not inflate to the extent that they matched the picture in the sales presentation with . I contacted the sellers; they eventually sent me 2 replacement cushions. They were extremely courteous and helpful throughout the transaction. I would happily do business with them again.