Its not as sturdy as I would have like.Used this in my living room in a small apartment because I needed something I could assemble inside the apartment. Assembled myself in maybe 30 minutes. Very pretty color and very sturdy, however, it is not comfortable. Its very very very firm. Im used to it and have lots of soft pillows, but as it is a futon, I would not want any guests to sleep on it due to how firm it is.
Aesthetically Pleasing but not Comfortable
Its not as sturdy as I would have like.Used this in my living room in a small apartment because I needed something I could assemble inside the apartment. Assembled myself in maybe 30 minutes. Very pretty color and very sturdy, however, it is not comfortable. Its very very very firm. Im used to it and have lots of soft pillows, but as it is a futon, I would not want any guests to sleep on it due to how firm it is.