I ordered this (along with a highly rated 4 foldable memory foam mattress) to give my 3.5yo some more room. She loves it so much! I was a little worried because she is a wild sleeper, but its been great and is very sturdy. The bed arrived quickly and the assembly took me (with her help) just over an hour. She has made her own little fort under the bed and likes to just hang out there and read. Once she is older I will get her a little thicker mattress and use the 4 foldable one underneath like bunks. This is the perfect little loft. I would not recommend if you have an older child. I would get the regular sized loft as there isnt a ton of height underneath this one.Good quality.
Perfect first loft bed
I ordered this (along with a highly rated 4 foldable memory foam mattress) to give my 3.5yo some more room. She loves it so much! I was a little worried because she is a wild sleeper, but its been great and is very sturdy. The bed arrived quickly and the assembly took me (with her help) just over an hour. She has made her own little fort under the bed and likes to just hang out there and read. Once she is older I will get her a little thicker mattress and use the 4 foldable one underneath like bunks. This is the perfect little loft. I would not recommend if you have an older child. I would get the regular sized loft as there isnt a ton of height underneath this one.Good quality.