Very sturdy for my two boys. Haven't had any issues with wobbliness. My kids love it. My husband did have issues putting it together, it caused a lot of pain in his hands. The bars on the ladder are very uncomfortable, even for my son who is 60lbs. I got some pool noodles, cuz them and slid the bars right in. They don't twist as he climbs as long as you don't cut the pool noodles too short. Very happy with my purchase.
Awesome bunk bed
Very sturdy for my two boys. Haven't had any issues with wobbliness. My kids love it. My husband did have issues putting it together, it caused a lot of pain in his hands. The bars on the ladder are very uncomfortable, even for my son who is 60lbs. I got some pool noodles, cuz them and slid the bars right in. They don't twist as he climbs as long as you don't cut the pool noodles too short. Very happy with my purchase.