Decent bench for the price, adjustments could be more convenient
The bench is pretty good for the price point. Seems pretty sturdy for a foldable bench, and for the weight I will be using it for. Came assembled, which is a plus! Using the pins to adjust the angles of the backrest, seat, and foot pads is a little finicky and inconvenient, and is why I gave it 3 stars instead of 4. Also, the box arrived in rough shape, and as you can see, there is a small dent in the one foot. I figure this was the fault of the courier rather than the manufacturer. All in all, decent buy.
Decent bench for the price, adjustments could be more convenient
The bench is pretty good for the price point. Seems pretty sturdy for a foldable bench, and for the weight I will be using it for. Came assembled, which is a plus! Using the pins to adjust the angles of the backrest, seat, and foot pads is a little finicky and inconvenient, and is why I gave it 3 stars instead of 4. Also, the box arrived in rough shape, and as you can see, there is a small dent in the one foot. I figure this was the fault of the courier rather than the manufacturer. All in all, decent buy.