I found this bench well made and quite sturdy as well as light enough to easily lift and move. Changing the angles of the seat and backrest is easy, and the bench folds up and locks well for easy storage. The only fault is the seat is slightly angled up, not flat. When I brought this up with the seller, they did not offer to replace it, so I assume this is normal for this bench. While this does not affect its use, I find it annoying.
Sturdy and well made
I found this bench well made and quite sturdy as well as light enough to easily lift and move. Changing the angles of the seat and backrest is easy, and the bench folds up and locks well for easy storage. The only fault is the seat is slightly angled up, not flat. When I brought this up with the seller, they did not offer to replace it, so I assume this is normal for this bench. While this does not affect its use, I find it annoying.