Sturdy bench thats easy to assemble and reasonably priced
This bench is super sturdy and easy to assemble. Literally just have to pull out the pins and re-insert them to whatever adjustment you want. Took me two minutes.
I like this bench because it offers the ability to dip the bench to 270 degrees which allows me to work on the lower part of my chest (doing decline presses). Most benches will not go lower than the horizontal flat bench so having a bench that I can do decline chest presses (at a reasonable price $) is great.
Definitely worth the money for the amount of things you can do on this bench.
Sturdy bench thats easy to assemble and reasonably priced
This bench is super sturdy and easy to assemble. Literally just have to pull out the pins and re-insert them to whatever adjustment you want. Took me two minutes. I like this bench because it offers the ability to dip the bench to 270 degrees which allows me to work on the lower part of my chest (doing decline presses). Most benches will not go lower than the horizontal flat bench so having a bench that I can do decline chest presses (at a reasonable price $) is great. Definitely worth the money for the amount of things you can do on this bench.