This bench is what its supposed to be - easy to assemble, sturdy and worth the price.
It comes folded so theres not much to set up.
To fold you just manually fold it inward and there is a cloth handle to pick the whole bench up when folded. Easy to move around the house.
I thought it would be too big even when folded to keep aside, but its actually very subtle. You can easily fold it flat to keep under your bed or just standing against the wall in a corner.
Seller is great too. Happy with the packaging and service. A handy booklet comes too that says how to set up etc and contact incase of any help needed.
Im very happy with my purchase!!
The best value for money bench
This bench is what its supposed to be - easy to assemble, sturdy and worth the price. It comes folded so theres not much to set up. To fold you just manually fold it inward and there is a cloth handle to pick the whole bench up when folded. Easy to move around the house. I thought it would be too big even when folded to keep aside, but its actually very subtle. You can easily fold it flat to keep under your bed or just standing against the wall in a corner. Seller is great too. Happy with the packaging and service. A handy booklet comes too that says how to set up etc and contact incase of any help needed. Im very happy with my purchase!!