There were a gazillion parts and took several hours to put together, but we love it!
We wanted another space in our kitchen for storing extra things like daily mail, ink pens, my husbands hat and sunglasses, and a spot for the cat to eat so the dog cant reach her food! LOL! Its really nice. Half of this stuff always ended up on the kitchen table and it was just a pain all the time to clean everything up when it was time to eat.
There were a gazillion parts and took several hours to put together, but we love it!
We wanted another space in our kitchen for storing extra things like daily mail, ink pens, my husbands hat and sunglasses, and a spot for the cat to eat so the dog cant reach her food! LOL! Its really nice. Half of this stuff always ended up on the kitchen table and it was just a pain all the time to clean everything up when it was time to eat.