This bed was very easy to assemble once I got it out of the box (which was very thick cardboard, tough to cut). I put it together by myself (female in my 60s, 125 lbs) in about 30 minutes, tops. It is very solid feeling and the slats seem like they will withstand the weight tolerance mentioned in the specs. It was well protected in the packaging and came in about 1 week from when I ordered it. Im very satisfied and is exactly what I was expecting.
easy assembly; sturdy
This bed was very easy to assemble once I got it out of the box (which was very thick cardboard, tough to cut). I put it together by myself (female in my 60s, 125 lbs) in about 30 minutes, tops. It is very solid feeling and the slats seem like they will withstand the weight tolerance mentioned in the specs. It was well protected in the packaging and came in about 1 week from when I ordered it. Im very satisfied and is exactly what I was expecting.