I bought this for my two year old (and me). I needed something sturdy for nights when I may be sleeping with my baby so this worked out perfectly! It sits low so my toddler can get out of her bed with ease. The corners became a concern but I simply used a baby proof corner stick to prevent from scraping my lil ones leg. Other than that, it worked out great. Came with all tools and instructions needed. Put it together in 20 minutes. Arrived on time, no damages. Overall, it was definitely worth my money. Looks nice and sturdy.
Definitely worth it!!!
I bought this for my two year old (and me). I needed something sturdy for nights when I may be sleeping with my baby so this worked out perfectly! It sits low so my toddler can get out of her bed with ease. The corners became a concern but I simply used a baby proof corner stick to prevent from scraping my lil ones leg. Other than that, it worked out great. Came with all tools and instructions needed. Put it together in 20 minutes. Arrived on time, no damages. Overall, it was definitely worth my money. Looks nice and sturdy.