It is definitely sturdy. Its terribly hard. Uncomfortably hard. There is zero assembly, and figuring out the transformation was simple.
It is definitely not for someone with back issues, or for someone who needs support above the lower spine. The back is so short it has zero support whatsoever.
Recommended for someone who has desperate need for an uncomfortable bed for in/laws! The more they hurt they less they stay. Could easily hide a cat box under it for added effect.
Bad for spines, great for unlikable in/laws!
It is definitely sturdy. Its terribly hard. Uncomfortably hard. There is zero assembly, and figuring out the transformation was simple. It is definitely not for someone with back issues, or for someone who needs support above the lower spine. The back is so short it has zero support whatsoever. Recommended for someone who has desperate need for an uncomfortable bed for in/laws! The more they hurt they less they stay. Could easily hide a cat box under it for added effect.