The wood frame was easy to put together. It kept auprisin us with how sturdy it got. Very well made and all the screw hole lines up perfectly. The part we had the most trouble with was the wooden steps. In the end they turned out perfectly but getting them together was a bit frustrating the CAM screws were a bit cheap and we had to shave some extra wood off a few to make them fit in. We bought it because we wanted a lower bunk bed so we set up a second twin bed under it and our twins love it.
Very sturdy construction.
The wood frame was easy to put together. It kept auprisin us with how sturdy it got. Very well made and all the screw hole lines up perfectly. The part we had the most trouble with was the wooden steps. In the end they turned out perfectly but getting them together was a bit frustrating the CAM screws were a bit cheap and we had to shave some extra wood off a few to make them fit in. We bought it because we wanted a lower bunk bed so we set up a second twin bed under it and our twins love it.