This product lasted 60 days. My son is 9 and weighs 88 pounds. The net broke within 60 days. The triangle that the springs attach to began to fall off within 45 days and within 60 days too many fell off for my son to safely use product. I called customer service and they refused to send me a new net. It takes awhile to build and purchase a new trampoline, so instead of buying a new one I wanted this to work. I then offered to purchase a new net, but the seller will not sell parts. Next I tried to buy a replacement net online, but the net size is nonstandard. Now my trampoline is garbage and I am out money and time. Also, the customer service is terrible. They could care less about my issues with their product.
Poor product and customer service
This product lasted 60 days. My son is 9 and weighs 88 pounds. The net broke within 60 days. The triangle that the springs attach to began to fall off within 45 days and within 60 days too many fell off for my son to safely use product. I called customer service and they refused to send me a new net. It takes awhile to build and purchase a new trampoline, so instead of buying a new one I wanted this to work. I then offered to purchase a new net, but the seller will not sell parts. Next I tried to buy a replacement net online, but the net size is nonstandard. Now my trampoline is garbage and I am out money and time. Also, the customer service is terrible. They could care less about my issues with their product.