My 4 year old daughter loves it!!! Very sturdy
and spacious. It perfectly fits in our play room. My daughter loves to jump on her uncles outside trampoline so I am really happy that I was able to find this for both my daughters. Our 10 year old daughter enjoys it as well. The trampoline holds both of my daughters jumping and playing inside without issues.
Assembly took a while and its a little confusing but my husband was able to figure it out without issues.
Very recomendable!!!
Awesome Trampoline!
My 4 year old daughter loves it!!! Very sturdy and spacious. It perfectly fits in our play room. My daughter loves to jump on her uncles outside trampoline so I am really happy that I was able to find this for both my daughters. Our 10 year old daughter enjoys it as well. The trampoline holds both of my daughters jumping and playing inside without issues. Assembly took a while and its a little confusing but my husband was able to figure it out without issues. Very recomendable!!!