The table is very nice, but due to damage from what I presume to be from shipping (the box had a dent in the same spot), I contacted the sellers customer service and they sent a whole new undamaged table, no questions asked. That just speaks for itself, but more on the table, it looks fantastic, its very sturdy, and is pretty simple to get assembled especially with the step/by/step instructions. I would recommend looking no farther than this if this table is the right size that youre looking for. I had a great experience overall.
Great table and fantastic service
The table is very nice, but due to damage from what I presume to be from shipping (the box had a dent in the same spot), I contacted the sellers customer service and they sent a whole new undamaged table, no questions asked. That just speaks for itself, but more on the table, it looks fantastic, its very sturdy, and is pretty simple to get assembled especially with the step/by/step instructions. I would recommend looking no farther than this if this table is the right size that youre looking for. I had a great experience overall.