Easy to assembly took my boyfriend and I about an hour and a half. however disappointed with one of the lights on the mirror
It is some how is defective it is in a different color setting than the rest. No matter what setting I put it on it changes to a different one than the rest.
Super sturdy love the way it looks, other than the light. I think this is a fluke thing hoping the company can send a new bulb or something
Love it other than fluke defective light thing
Easy to assembly took my boyfriend and I about an hour and a half. however disappointed with one of the lights on the mirror It is some how is defective it is in a different color setting than the rest. No matter what setting I put it on it changes to a different one than the rest. Super sturdy love the way it looks, other than the light. I think this is a fluke thing hoping the company can send a new bulb or something