I love this bed it is very sturdy. You do need a minimum of 2-3 people to put it together and because i read the other reviews ahead of time I made sure i paid attention to all the holes so i did not have to redo anything. It took me my 10year old and 7year old 3.5 hours to assemble. I love that the ladder is flat and has a rubber cover on each step. The maker really put thought into it. I note to remember dont tighten all joints until the end. I had to loosen the back screws on both side when it was time to but the safety rail in the top. It is a great buy for your money.
Great buy
I love this bed it is very sturdy. You do need a minimum of 2-3 people to put it together and because i read the other reviews ahead of time I made sure i paid attention to all the holes so i did not have to redo anything. It took me my 10year old and 7year old 3.5 hours to assemble. I love that the ladder is flat and has a rubber cover on each step. The maker really put thought into it. I note to remember dont tighten all joints until the end. I had to loosen the back screws on both side when it was time to but the safety rail in the top. It is a great buy for your money.